Kvalitetstid med far

Kære læsere.


I sidste uge, da vi stadig havde den traditionelle danske sommer over os, var jeg i mit gamle barndomshjem for at besøge min far og vi nød det lækre sommervejr til det fuldeste! Vi startede frisk ud med at spise en masse lækre tørfisk, fra havnemanden himself, lmao. Vi er fra en rigtig traditionel fiske by og hver sommer, har tørfisk altid været en tradition for samtlige mennesker i og omkring byen og denne sommer aften var ingen undtagelse. Jeg er absolut stor fan af at sidde ude i solen og nyde hinandens selskab, snakke om diverse ting og generelt bare nyde øjeblikket. Min far har altid været den helt store kok og denne aften måtte jeg også give ham topkarakter. Han fik fikset nogle lækre mørbrad bøffer sammen, blandet med en tyk brun sovs og en masse friske grøntsager – der skulle selvfølgelig en masse cola og øller til, top notch night! Hele aftnen sad, vi ude i haven og slappede af – desværre havde jeg ikke mine egne solbriller med, da jeg havde glemt dem nede på mit arbejde for noget tid siden og jeg havde virkelig ledt i samtlige kroge efter dem og der var ingen succes i at finde dem på daværende tidspunkt, lol. Jeg var derfor nødsaget til at låne min fars arbejdsbriller og jeg ligner bogstavelig talt en alien der er kommet for at invadere Danmark, med dem på… Men det var en skøn sommer aften og jeg glæder mig bestemt til resten af sommerferien, så jeg kan komme hjem til ham og få noget lækkert hjemmelavet mad, nu når jeg for det meste befinder mig på restauranter og caféer rundt omkring i DK.

Adidas favorite

Hi guys,

Lately, I have been checking the internet for some new fitness clothes and my favorite websites are Adidas and Nike – I simply just love their brands and everything they produce! Thank God, they ship word wide, so that I can always shop online to get my favorite and most comfortable clothing. What is your favorite brands? If you recently discovered or always shopped at a different store, feel free to leave a comment and I will check it out. I always like to discover new brands! Below, you guys can see some of my favorites from Adidas.dk.


You can find these right here


These can be find right here


This sweatshirt can be bought via this link


Find the sweatshirt via this link

adidas5Buy these tights right here


This one-package deal can be found via this link

These few things that you guys see above is some of my favorites from Adidas.dk / On which websites do you guys buy your workout clothes or just your normal everyday clothes? Leave a comment and we can exchange great ideas and recommendations 😀

Nike Wish list

Hi guys,

Ok this one is going to be last wish list for gym clothes, I promise! Lol. I just can help it, I simply love spending my free time on checking the internet for good looking gym clothes and making these really long lists of all the things I some day want to buy – lmao, even though, most of the times I end up never buying anything of it, lmao 😀 Below, you guys can see some out of many different things I want from Nike.com, but most likely never gonna buy, lol.

Screen Shot 2016-01-17 at 8.16.11 PM (2)Find this one right here

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Find this one right here

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Find this one right here

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Find these right here

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Find these right here

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Find these sneakers right here

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Find these sneakers right here

There are so many great sports brands out there, but my personal favorite will and always have been Nike and I really doubt that, that will ever change! What is absolute favorite? Tho Adidas is such an awesome brand too and I am so into pretty much everything they produce.

Denmark covered in snow

Hi guys,

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Ok yea I know, that we no longer have any snow in Denmark, but better late then never, right? Lmao. I simply just love when the snow is falling down from the sky and I can literally spend hours outside, if of course I have the right clothes on lol, but don’t you guys just love snow? There are so many fun things to do when the ground is covered in snow and one of the best moments when it is snowing, is when you are out walking with your friends and somebody trips and none of you can stop laughing 😀 No matter what kind of weather we have here in Denmark, I always enjoy long walks with my loved ones and taking picture of the outstanding nature we have here in Denmark, but there is just something completely special about winter and the snow. For some crazy reason, it just seems like my pictures are so much more pretty if there is natural snow involved and yes I am writing natural, because you can always find some fake snow to set up a image, loll. Besides, what better way to keep yourself warm when the snow is falling down outside your window, then a cup of your favorite coffee and of course, mine is CAPPUCCINO! What is your favorite weather season and what do you prefer to spend your time on during those months? 🙂

Sunday Mornings

Hi guys,

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Sundays have always been extremely holy to me, but these last few months my Sundays have been a lot more holy for me, because I am always super busy, so the only day there is a chance I am not doing anything is Sunday. Which makes me cherish Sunday even more and since I started to this busy, I decided to give myself a treat ever Sunday and the Sunday we just passed I gave myself the treat you guys can see on the picture above and it was just one of those moments I never will forget, because I had some really great food, I stayed in bed until I fully rested, while watching Netflix and I actually just finish the TV show, Baby Daddy – you guys should definitely watch it! I bought some really great bread at this new grocery store I recently started to go to ever time I need food. It is a long walk from where I live, but the food is great and even better, it is really cheap as well. I had the strawberries and grapes in my fridge – it was nothing but a great morning and you should always give yourself a little treat now and then, no matter if you are busy or not. The rest of my Sunday, I spent on doing my laundry and cleaning my apartment [not that you can see that now, lmao] It was just what I needed after a whole week and weekend filled with work / a whole day just for me. What do you guys like to do on your day off?