Back in the weight room

Hi guys,


Last week I started to lift again and it literally felt so good! Tho, I should tell you guys right away, that I have intentions to become as big as I used to be, when looking back on how big I was, looking at my muscles. I think that I was way to big for a girl, before I started to do more cardio and started to swim again and being that big is definitely not something that I want to be again, which is why I’m not going to lift that much, just a little bit – no more then a few times a week and still do cardio and still swim, I’m just going to switch between those three things. But it really was nice to be back in the weight room, feeling strong again – especially after such a long period of not lifting at all. I can definitely feel that I’ve become weaker in my arms and my legs as well. I’m starting out slow, so that I don’t injure myself, because of course, being injured is never fun but also, I definitely don’t have the time for it right now and going to physiotherapy and rehabilitation is so not something that I can deal with, so yea I might take a bit more slow then I should, but I’ll rather take things too slow then going just that bit to fast and end up with another injury, you know? But just the view of seeing my veins popping like that in my arms, being unable to walk normal the day after because I’ve been squatting is definitely a feeling that I’ve been missing way to much and before I started to lift again, I’ve actually haven’t been in the best mood, because I tried to stay away from lifting when I felt like I needed it, so just being back have definitely improved my mood a lot. Now with a mix of lifting, cardio and swimming, I actually don’t think that my training can be any better right now and I’m just enjoying every little bit of my training and everything just feels great when I’m in the pool or in the weight room 🙂

TRX Friday Night

Hi guys,

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Last week was one of those weeks where I actually had the chance to attend three of my TRX classes and I enjoyed every single one of them! Monday and Wednesday was just like any other TRX class but still tough! Friday was a super hardcore combination of TRX, cardio and x-fit and I actually don’t think that I’ve been this sweaty before, after 60 minutes of TRX. My coach told us Monday night that Friday was going to be a bit different, but we should definitely look forward to all the great things he had planned for us! Since I had no work Friday, I showed up to the class with just a bit more energy and power then usually and I actually think that it was good for me that I didn’t had any work that day, because my entire body was so sore and it was literally like that the whole weekend – just try to imagine to be bartender for 13 hours after a class like that, pew! My coach had these little pitstops sat up for us around the room with different exercises, where some of them was cardio, TRX and x-fit. We had one station with a jumping rope and that is what I mean with cardio, but it is a kind of cardio and trust me you do sweat from jumping ropes in a session like that lol and then the x-fit he involved was kettle bell swings, kettle bell squat I think that’s the name lmao and then this one exercise, I have no idea what it’s called, but you have this big ball that weights 20 or 10 pounds (your own choice) and then you had to pick it up to begin with and go down in a squat while holding the ball close to your chest and then give as much power you can when going up in your squat reaching your hands with the ball as high as you can and then use all of your power to smack the ball into the floor on this mat and then do it over again and I’m pretty sure we did every exercise for 30 seconds. The rest of the exercises was TRX exercises and the exercises were hands over head squat, push ups (with legs in TRX ropes), sit ups, single leg row, pike and then finally some other way to perform the row – you pulled the TRX rope up as high as you can then you grabs the handles and lay down and then you kinda have to pull yourself up – do you get it? 🙂 I might have some of the names wrong, but I just can’t remember all the names yet and some of them have some pretty strange names lmao 😀 But it was a different way to do TRX and so worth the sore body! I really hope that he’ll do it this way again soon and hopefully I’ll be able to give you the correct names of all the exercises 🙂

New Gym Clothes

Hi guys,

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The other day I decided to give myself a little treat and I bought myself these super comfy tights from Adidas and I’m crazy in love with them (like I’m literally wearing them all the time, lol) Also, I bought this new gym bag lol don’t really know why I don’t have a picture of it, but it will come one day, lol it’s time will come 😀 lmao, as somebody I know says all the time, literally ! I found these at my local sports store, tho you can also find them on Adidas website, but for some reason they’re cheaper when you buy them at the sports store, at least here where I live lol. But if you’re thinking about buying a pair, you should definitely check out one of your local sports store, before buying them online, because they’re actually 100,- cheaper at my sports store 😀 How often do you guys order from Adidas? I still have so many things that I wan’t to buy from the online shop, but I would love some good advice since I’ve never ordered from them before 😀

Starting Fitness Bike Again

Hi guys,



When I first started going to the gym when I started High School I also started on this fitness bike class and aside looking my TRX class, I actually think that this class might be my favorite one of all. Have any of you ever tried fitness bike before? The two most popular classes are ordinary fitness bike and fitness bike plus. The difference on these two is that in the plus class you use some kind of watch that is suppose to go around your chest, so that it’ll keep constant track of your heartbeat and then the whole class is build up on how high or low you have to lay. At my gym you can borrow one of these watches, but I would definitely recommend buying your own because you sweat a lot and even though they do get clean, I just think that it is most comfortable having your own, you know? Have any of you ever tried this kind of fitness bike? Even though this is a really good class, I definitely prefer the ordinary fitness bike class and then sometimes they actually even have classes that last for 1h and 30m, that’s a tough one! Lmao. I recently started this class again and I’m super hyped about it, lol. It is an extremely good way to get a great sweat, lose breathe and feel all your blood pumping around in your body – aw! I try to do this class two times a week, because I also have TRX and I truly doubt that it would be any good for me to take a TRX class and a fitness bike class right after each other most days during the week, lol. I have my regular class every Tuesday and when I’m not too tired I also have a class Sunday morning, but that really depends on how long a night I’ve been having down at the bar. Because even though I would to love take every Sunday class as well, I need my sleep to and if I would even be able to get up right after I come home from the bar, I really doubt that it would be any good because my body will be super tired already before we begin. So my Sunday class is only for the days where I haven’t been at work the night before, but to those of you who have the chance of a Sunday morning fitness bike class, I definitely think you should try it, because it is a super nice and comfortable way of starting your Sunday – that is of course, if you’re the kind of type that likes to start your day like that, lol.

Update on my running

Hi guys,


Those of you who have been reading my blog since I started probably read my article about my new years resolutions and one of the things on that list, was that I want to run every day and I actually have it in my calendar how much I have to run every day, but the truth is that it is far from going the way I wanted it to go .. So I’m super sad about that! Running has never really been my favorite cardio form – I’m way more into biking and swimming, tho I do like a run now and then and I really hope that my love for running will expand a lot more then it is right now. I do run everyday but so far I haven’t been running the amount of km that I set my mind to and I’m really disappointed about that and I don’t really know why this is happening to me. Sometimes I feel like it is because I don’t run outside, but literally think that it is way to cold to run outside right now but maybe (crossing my fingers) I’ll wake up some day and have the courage to run outside when it is still this cold. Also I don’t exactly have any warm winter running clothes for outside – I just bought some new tights, but they’re not even close to be warm enough for me to run outside in them, you know? That is definitely something that I need to begin with, WARM CLOTHES lol 🙂 Do any of you guys run outside these days and what kind of clothes do you run in? Leave a comment, I would love to know! Running inside on the treadmill doesn’t really give you the same feeling as running outside does, you know what I mean? Also almost 1 year and 6 months ago I was in accident with my knee and I can feel my injury every time I run on the treadmill, so that is far from good. I guess that I do prefer to run outside, when I do decide to run, but until summer I guess I’m going to run inside, also so I don’t get sick. I might not run the amount that I have planned but at least I’ll still run, right?